JA Projects on Mayor of London's new rebooted ‘ADUP3’ framework


The AJ announced the architects on Sadiq Khan’s new Architecture and Urbanism (A+U) framework intended to boost diversity in the design process and help London’s zero-carbon post-Covid recovery

Among the 65 firms included on the successor to the ADUP 2 talent pool are: Stirling Prize-winning Mikhail Riches; AJ 40 under 40 stars JA Projects, IF_DO, OMMX, Freehaus and Jas Bhalla Architects with AR Urbanism; RCKa; Peter Barber Architects; Nimtim Architects; Gbolade Design Studio; Al Jawad Pike; and emerging practice Sanchez Benton Architects.

A total of 55 places on the framework – representing 57 per cent of appointments across all 10 lots – were awarded to ‘diverse-led’ enterprises. Of the these firms, 31 per cent are female-led, 31 per cent are BAME-led, 5 per cent LGBTQIA+ led, and 2 per cent disabled-led.

While only six teams feature more than twice on the framework (Publica Associates, RCKa, JA Projects, Haworth Tompkins, Public Works, and Jas Bhalla Architects with AR Urbanism who each won three lots), a total of 20 teams won places on two lots including Architecture00, DK-CM, Grimshaw, muf architecture/art, Studio Gil & Matthew Lloyd Architects, Studio Weave, Collective Cultures and We Made That.


Read the ful article by Merlin Fulcher in the AJ.

Image: Rick Pushinsky

Jayden Ali