Low Line featured in latest ICON ‘Activate’ issue Winter 2021


Nana Biamah-Ofosu has featured JA Projects as part of ICON’s report on London’s Low Line, a walking route activating historic railway infrastructure spanning Bankside, London Bridge and Bermondsey.

Commissioned by Better Bankside, and in partnership with landscape architects BBUK, JA Projects’ interventions will be linking key stretches of the Low Line along the missing links of the Victorian railway viaduct.

Developed initially through a co-design process with local residents, the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2021. It will explore the need for proximity to nature in cities, creating imaginative and transformative pockets of urban greening in Wardens Grove, America Street and Ewer Street. 

As Jayden Ali, director of JA Projects, reflects: ‘The project really wanted to engage local people, capturing their interpretations of the Low Line. The challenge then becomes how to translate these elements and interests into built output.’ A series of planters and integrated seating, street furniture and signage will transform underused thoroughfares to generous green infrastructure with civic aspirations and qualities.

Read the full article here 

Huge thanks to Nana Biamah-Ofosu (Author) for including us in the feature and Francesca Perry (Editor) for framing a compelling and important issue. And, of course, everyone involved with the the Low Line project including Better Bankside, and especially Valerie Beirne (Bankside Urban Forest Manager).

Jayden Ali