Jayden Ali profiled in Vogue


Liam Hess interviews Jayden Ali the ‘Maverick architect’ about designing “Fashioning Masculinities”, his architecture practice and thoughtful, layered approach to design.

The grand halls of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum have played host to plenty of the world’s most agenda-setting fashion exhibitions over the years—but none quite like this year’s blockbuster “Fashioning Masculinities: The Art of Menswear.” With a timeline that includes the full sweep of Western civilization (and far beyond), the show draws links between the past and menswear’s liberated present through a wildly inventive design scheme that revels in the curiosities and contradictions of men’s clothing across the centuries.

While the idea for the exhibition was first germinated by curators by Claire Wilcox and Rosalind McKever almost a decade ago, another collaborator helped bring their vision to life: the buzzy 33-year-old architect Jayden Ali, whose firm, J.A. Projects, was tapped to design the show in 2020. “The curators work on the show for so many years, and then somebody comes in who is going to have such a big impact on what it looks and feels like, so it can be quite a risky and vulnerable moment,” Ali says.


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Jayden Ali