Southwark Council’s Planning Committee gives approval for JA Projects' Manor Grove small sites housing


The Architect’s Journal published the latest news about planners’ approval for hundreds of replacement and new homes on the Tustin Estate in South London designed by dRMM, Adam Khan Architects and JA Projects.

The 1960s Tustin Estate currently provides 299 homes in three 18-storey towers and a series of low-rise blocks. The existing low-rise buildings will now be demolished and the towers refurbished.

Backed by Southwark Council, the consented project features 16 buildings up to 21 storeys in height. It will provide 202 social rent homes alongside 241 affordable homes and 220 market homes – meaning it is 65 per cent affordable by habitable room.

 The authority approved a hybrid application for the scheme, which includes detailed plans for 167 homes by masterplanner and lead architect dRMM. The application was approved at the council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday evening (19 July).

The project team said the new scheme had been designed with existing estate residents, via weekly drop-in sessions, community exhibition days and events targeting older and younger residents, resulting in the Tustin Estate Residents Manifesto.

As a result of the document, Tustin Common will be ‘enlarged and enhanced’, according to the team. The estate will also have pocket parks, active plazas and a pedestrian walking route.

Reserved matters applications for other parts of the site, including housing designed by Adam Khan Architects and JA Projects, will be submitted in coming months. The landscape architect for the project is Exterior Architecture.

Planners at Southwark Council said they ‘strongly supported’ the application due to the ‘high level of affordable housing, the excellent quality of accommodation, the enhancement to education provision, and the overall design standards proposed’.

Darren Merrill, Southwark Council’s cabinet member for council homes at homelessness, said: ‘I am delighted that these exciting new plans for the estate have been approved, especially for the residents of the estate, who voted for the plans and were so involved in the design work.

‘I look forward to continuing to work with dRMM and the residents of the Tustin Estate to deliver new council housing with high-quality new homes for the people of Southwark.’


Read the full article in the AJ

Jayden Ali